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Three Billy Goats


“Please don’t eat me!” says the little goat. “I’m little. Wait for the next goat. He’s big.” The troll listens. The troll thinks. “OK,” says the troll. And the little goat goes over the bridge.

Once upon a time, there are three goats, a little goat a and a big goat and a very big goat. They like grass. They were very hungry.They saw a river and could see green, green grass. However, seeing a bridge, they could see a troll under the bridge…

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Jack and the Beanstalk


“Can I have some breakfast?” says jack. “All right!” she says. “Come in. But listen! My man is a giant. He eats boys. So be quiet!”

Jack and his mother don’t have enough money. So, his mother made Jack go and sell the cow. When Jack went up the road, Jack met a man. A man suggested to Jack that he give Jack magic beans in exchange for cow. Jack received the suggestion and took magic bean to home. Magic beans grew, And it is very very tall. Climbing up the beanstalk,….

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Look at her! says the miller. She can spin straw into gold! Oh! says the king. Can she? Then she can come to my castle.

There was a girl who can spin straw into gold. So, the king takes her to his castle and a man, Rumplestiltskin, appered to her..

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